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March 25, 2021

The Commemoration of Yaum-e-Pakistan or Pakistan Resolution Day passed on 23 March 1940 and the adoption first Constitution of our beloved land. It paved the saplings which ultimately outturn its fruit on 14 August 1947.

The history of the Sub-Continent was changed with the passage of the Pakistan Resolution on March 23, 1940. On this day, the great Quaid Muhammad Ali Jinnah in his address at the Minto Park for the first time ever formally and passionately demanded a separate country based on the concept of Muslim nationhood.

In his address, whose reverberations can be felt even today, the Quaid brimming with a sense of honor and justice spurned the claims made by the Indian Congress that it was the sole representative of the whole of India’s population, including some 95 million Muslims. This came as a major shock for the Nehru-Gandhi duo, which was not ready to accept the Muslim demands and claimed to be the sole representatives of the Indian population.

Thus, their claim that there were only two parties i.e. the British and Congress who could settle the question of the independence of the Sub-Continent was demolished once and for all. On this day, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, with his coherent insight and honest appraisal of the situation donned the mantle of the Great Quaid and showed to the whole world that he was the sole representative of the Muslims of the Sub-Continent.

The Quaid, who set off in pursuit of a new country this day, well understood that Muslims could not prosper and live their lives in accordance with their religion, culture, and ethos in an independent India dominated by the Hindu majority.

He thus demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims where they would be free from Hindu prejudices of caste, culture, and religion. It was a crucial decision on a momentous occasion marked by the full support of the Muslims of the Sub-Continent.

In retrospect, it is important to realize that Quaid’s Two-Nation concept did not revolve around a theocratic state but a country in the Muslim-dominated areas where the Muslims could grow and prosper free from all Hindu dominance and biases and surmount the radical tide of bigotry.

Thus, on March 23, we should reflect upon the gift of Pakistan at a time when many countries in the world face great turmoil, some of them even civil wars, and are on the verge of disintegration. This day we should help raise awareness among the new generations about the struggle of the Muslims for their right to self-determination and how important it is to safeguard Pakistan’s solidarity and integrity.

The day also calls upon us to cement the forces of cohesion and integration as cynics mount their campaigns in political opportunism.

On this day, we should reignite the spirit of the historic Lahore Resolution of 1940 by rejuvenating enthusiasm and spirit among our countrymen. The argument is simple and enduring: Pakistan with its great potential, negotiating the maze and complexities and overcoming all the significant challenges is here to stay forever and make tangible and
potentially sustainable progress.

The true historical context of the Lahore Resolution and constitutionalism in Pakistan is hidden from the people of Pakistan due to revisionist history. It also explains how the insertion of turncoats into the political body deforms vision and objectives. Deficient of political logic, successive attempts at centralization, and devoid of inclusivism, successive regimes paid lip service to religion as a hedge to elitist interests. The question to define Lahore Resolution still warrants incisive analysis.

After 22 years since Independence General Yahya Khan declared general elections which were held in both wings of Pakistan East and West on 7th December 1970. This was the first election in Pakistan. In East Pakistan Mujib ur Rehaman won the elections and in West Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto won the elections.

After elections, the rift between the East and West wing of Pakistan widened to the extent which led to the fall of Dacca in 1971 and East Pakistan became Bangladesh. After losing East Pakistan General Yahya still insisted to remain the President of Pakistan but there was a revolt in the army against him which forced General Yahya to resign. Bhutto was sworn in as the President of Pakistan on the 20th of December 1971.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on assuming charge started work on a democratic constitution for the country. On withdrawal of Martial law, the National Assembly that had been elected in 1970 adopted an interim Constitution that came into force on 21st April 1972. Meanwhile, the National Assembly constituted a committee to prepare a draft of the Constitution for Pakistan. The Committee worked relentlessly to prepare a Constitution for Pakistan.

We had our first constitution drafted by the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, with additional assistance from the country's opposition parties, it was approved by the Parliament on 10 April and ratified on 14 August 1973. The Constitution is intended to guide Pakistan's law, its political culture, and system.

Since Independence, we had two transitional constitutions one in 1956 and another one in 1962 both were repealed and replaced with the 1973 charter. During the span of approximately 50 years to the consideration of instituting our first Chapter intended to guide Pakistan's law, its political culture, and system.

It identifies the state (its physical existence and its borders), people and their fundamental rights, the state's constitutional law and orders, and also the constitutional structure and establishment of the institutions and the country's armed forces.

The first three chapters establish the rules, mandate, and separate powers of the three branches of the government: a bicameral legislature; an executive branch governed by the Prime Minister as chief executive; and an apex federal judiciary headed by the Supreme Court. The Constitution designates the President of Pakistan as a ceremonial Head of State who is to represent the unity of the state.

But it has been abrogated quadruple alliance and has been amended 25 times as of 2019. The most controversial revocation was during the time of General Pervez Musharraf and the most paradoxical modification was 18 Amendment passed by the National Assembly of Pakistan on April 8, 2010, removing the power of the President of Pakistan to dissolve the Parliament unilaterally, turning Pakistan from a semi-presidential to a parliamentary republic.

The country had seen real Tabdeeli twice, one when Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan rise to stoop power during the 1970s and now amidst when Khansahab accession to consolidate his reign.

In view of the fact, since the attainment of gaining access to the throne, they start propagating that due to the endorsement of the 18th Amendment they cannot work in Sindh specifically targeting Karachi the city that had given the biggest mandate to PTI had been neglected on the plea that the accreditation of 18 Amendment they cannot evolve that could lead to revolutionize the city of lights.

The reversal of the altered constitution could be a challenge for the Tabdeeli Sarkar as Provinces has been entrusted and empowered with a partial federating unit concept over a decade. The turnaround would be a backlash even in their own province KPK and Punjab.

The best way to transmogrify and to get rid out of Satin PPP Dila Teer Bija Government according to revamp express PTI is such that directives could be issued under Article 149 (4) of the Constitution that deputizes Federal govt may take Karachi’s administrative control and the federal government is authorized to issue these directives.

These measures may lay the floor for PTI chugging towards Sindh with full speed and will result oust the ‘corrupt’ set up of the province from powers.

PTI “The transmutation manifest” has already invested and utilize their almost three years in playing snake and ladders start from the senate chairman still politicizing on this podium of the iron throne.

The next election will be in 2023 the manifesto of Tabdeeli Sarkar has already been smeared with charges of Sugar & Wheat cartel and active role thru back door politics. The ground for PPP is also disheveled and murky because since they have been to sovereignty, they did nothing for the people of Sindh. It has become strenuous for them to clutch their vote bank especially in Punjab, the main tug of war for hoisting their flag in Islamabad is to win a major chunk in Punjab which is looking grimy and unkempt for PPP.

PTI has more chances as compare to PDM the sinking ship after PPP withdrawal, to attributing their surface for the second time to be on the royal seat of dominion. The face value and portrayal of Khansahab as being True Sadiq o Amin, the PTI is carrying is unmatchable as compare to other party leaders.

The biggest quality our PM Khansahab is bolstering is that he is neither corrupt nor he is having any scandalous cases of fraudulence which is purporting. In short, we can predict the next term for PTI based upon public opinion polls and political Gurus.

But this is Pakistan nothing is permanent as we have seen 2/3rd majority Government PML (N) 1997 setup fall like a deck of cards and least majority the weakest regime of 2008 PPP completed its tenure.

Lastly according to astrologer’s prognostication PM Imran khan will be the only Head of State who is going to complete his 5 years term as Premier. (By/Usama Sufi ACCA)

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