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Office Of The Divisional Directorate Of Information Mirpurkhas Division

July 30, 2021
Mirpurkhas: Deputy Commissioner Mirpurkhas Salamat Ali Memon today held a meeting to review the pre-arrangements during Moharram-ul-haram at Darbar hall Mirpurkhas here. The meeting was attended by representatives of different religious sects Ulemas, Leaders, and officials of various departments. On the occasion Deputy Commissioner Salamat Ali Memon has urged all participants and said that our religion is a religion of peace and tranquility, it is our collective duty to maintain peace and harmony, law and order during the Muharram-ul-haram. Representatives of Law enforcement agencies and others were also present. They brief the participants about the various steps and measures taken to prior Muharram-ul-haram and after that law and order situation will be ensured peacefully throughout the city. They said that maintaining the law and order and peace and harmony is a collective responsibility of all law-abiding citizens, they will not be spared any person who has taken the law into their hands otherwise strict action taken against defaulters and lawbreakers. All violators would be dealt with accordingly. On the occasion, Deputy Commissioner Mirpurkhas Salamat Ali Memon has directed the XEN WAPDA to take appropriate steps for uninterrupted supply of power from 6:00 PMto 6:00 AM during Ashura days so that central procession throughout the district could pass accordingly. He has also directed the health authorities to be ready and alert with proper equipment, medicines, and necessary additional paramedics staff e.t.c.Also to ensure availability of ambulance staff and first aid medicine at the designated places in a ready position. Deputy Commissioner Mirpurkhas has also directed the local government officers and the chief officer that to ensure cleanliness and proper lighting during all procession routes. The DC also directed the assistant commissioners to constitute a taluka committee at their respective levels to resolve all facing issues and problems and play their individual roles on priority. During the meeting the representatives of various religious sects apprised their day-to-day issues and problems related to pre-Muharram-ul-haram and during these days in the past, they reiterated that all such issues may be resolved before the commencing of Muharram-ul-haram. They extended their full support and co-operation to the district administration and law enforcing agencies for maintaining the peace and harmony and maintain law and order situation collectively. Deputy Commissioner Mirpurkhas Salamat Ali Memon has also held the meeting with members of the peace committee and reviewed the pre-arrangement of Muharram-ul-haram, he appreciated the efforts of peace committee members, has said that during the Muharram and any other days committee members had always supported the administration and ensured the SOP's and code of conduct to fully implement by playing their due role. He said that no majlis(sitting) and the procession would not be held without prior permission, he concluded. (Please send your news, article, pictorial to our email address < & WhatsApp +923132434567 PLEASE SEND YOUR COMMENTS Thanks) (facebook ID shujaullahk) Newspaper on Facebook: (twitter: KhanShujaullah) (linkedin: shuja-ullah-khan)

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